Earth to Inhabit, at the Blue House
Thank you very much for taking the time this Saturday to visit us here at the 'Earth to Inhabit' exhibition, which is a presentation in the form of an open workshop showcasing the ideas that have been shaping throughout these days of residency. The artists presenting today are Amaranta Úrsula Espinoza from Chile, Lot Aloi from Argentina, and Isabel Lozano Reategui from Pucallpa. The artists have spent the past weeks here at the Blue House in the residency for artists of Centro Selva Arte y Ciencia. This house has been their home and studio during this time. They have experienced [...]
Michelina Risbeck | Interconnection
Centro Selva Arte y Ciencia has the pleasure to present the individual show of Michelina Risbeck. Michelina participated in an individual artist in residence at Centro Selva Arte y Ciencia, in Campoverde, Ucayali, Peru from the 31 of May to July 31, 2021. The art she developed during her stay involves a very personal experience through all her senses, with meditation practices, discovering her surroundings, getting involved with everyday practices, as part of a personal healing process, and the acknowledgment of her presence in this moment of time. The pieces she is presenting are Maestra Miriam: Enseñando El Arte Del [...]